Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Article 5 by Kristen Simmons

Title: Article 5
Author: Kristen Simmons
Reviewed by: Melanie
Series: Book one of Article 5 series
Genre: Young Adult/Dystopian Fiction
How did I get this book: Barnes and Noble in Round Rock, TX
Format: Print
Rating: Love It!

America's Bill of Rights has been abolished and replaced by the Moral Statutes. Americans are now being arrested for things like possession of contraband books, religion that is not of the Church of America, or showing up late to school. Once someone is arrested they are never seen again. Ember lives her life under the radar until soldiers show up to her house and arrest her mother for an Article 5 violation. What makes it worse is the only man she has ever loved, Chase is one of the arresting soldiers. Article 5 states that children are only valid citizens if they are conceived by a married man and woman, children must not be conceived out of wedlock. Ember now becomes a ward of the state and is sent to an abusive rehabilitation center. There she will begin her rebellious journey to find her mother. 

I absolutely LOVED this book! Article 5 kept me intrigued from beginning to end and I never wanted to put it down. I've read this book three times now and every time I was sucked into the storyline. There was never a dull moment! I fell in love with the characters and greatly enjoyed the challenging relationship between main characters Ember and Chase. Every page had me craving for more! I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys romance and adventure all rolled into one amazing series. 

Notable quote or part:

"You married me while I was sleeping?" I asked in amazement. The sky was beginning to bruise with the purple haze, and in it, I could see Chase's face glow a little deeper copper.
"You hit me for kissing you. It seemed in my best interest to marry you while you were passed out" (Simmons, 263).