Meet Tiffany
I am a happily married, mother of 3, self admitted book ADDICT! =) Alongside reading, my other favorites in life are cooking (and unfortunately for my belly, eating) and all things summer! Including swimming, camping, bbq’s, etc. Any of the Lego video games. Watching my children grow and change. And last but not least sneaking off to the grocery store with my husband.
My obsession with books started in the 4th grade when I read The Giver by Lois Lowry. What an amazing story… I just recently learned that she went on to write 3 more books to complete “The Quartet” which you will soon see reviews for on this very blog! Anywho, from there, an entire world opened up for me. I immediately inhaled every bit of the Goosebumps, The Babysitter’s Club, Scary Stories, Shel Silverstein, VC Andrews, The Secret Garden (another favorite), and way too many more to list, that I could get my hands on. I could go on for days about the countless books I read as a child. I literally relearned how to do everything in life while carrying a book at the same time. My addiction was born. I’ve always said how “I love making new friends!.” That is one of the joys of reading, discovering new friends that you really connect with simply by picking up a few hundred pieces of paper. Luckily, I was surrounded by good friends that didn’t tease or bully me over being a “book worm” or “nerd” and lovingly accepted that Tiffany was going to always have a book close by. As I grow I have gone through tons of phases and genres and I believe my “open to anything” nature has been a blessing since I’m willing to read almost anything. I’m so appreciative when someone recommends a book out of my comfort zone and I am able to fall in love with reading all over again as I discover yet another wondrous secret world that I didn’t previously know about.
My favorite thing today (outside of my amazing husband and lovely children) is that I have not one but TWO amazing friends that I can share my love of reading with! We get all teenage girl, high pitched squeaky when we get together and start in with “Oh my gosh did you finish that book yet?” “I can’t WAIT for you to read this book!” I’m sure we annoy our husbands sometimes but there is truly something special shared between us. I love these girls and I love even more the passion we share between us. We are inviting all of you to get a glimpse of that friendship and passion! Hopefully through this venture we will get to know more of our fellow nerds, book junkies, reading addicts and overall AWESOME readers!