Title: Everbound
Author:Brodi Ashton
Series: Everneath
Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy
How did I get this book: purchased at The Book Spot, Round Rock, Tx
Format: print
Reviewed by: Christina
Rating: excellent!
Everbound is the second book in the Everneath series. Nikki had to watch as her boyfriend, Jack, sacrificed himself so she could stay on the surface.
She has to convince Cole to take her back to the Everneath to get her true love back. Nikki must go through a lot of trials. She has to face her fears and feeling empty at times. Nikki will have to face physical and mental challenges while trying to stay true to her heart. She is running out of time Jack is starting to forget things that has happened in his life . Nikki must keep her hope of their love alive before it all comes to an end and her heart is broken. She questions her self , can she do this in time or will she be defeated. If she is she has lost everything that she has cared about for so long.
I am loving this series the Everneath. There is only one book left in this series and i can't wait for it to be released. I have to say I have never wanted to cry when a character did. I have never had such a strong connection to a book. I hope all will love this book as much as I do.