The Wanted Bride by Sylvia McDaniel

Author: Sylvia McDaniel
Series: Stand alone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Format: print
Where did I get this book: From Sylvia McDaniel
Rating: excellent!!! 5 Hearts
Reviewed by: Christina
It is supposed to be the happiest day of her life. Every woman has dreamt of this day ever since they were little girls. Not for Valerie Burrows, The daughter of a big shot lawyer and millionaire. She has been betrayed by the very people that are supposed on her side. When she hops on a bus to only God knows where, she ends up in a little Colorado town. Valerie finds that her wallet has be stolen from her on the bus and she can’t pay for her dinner and doesn’t have a place to stay. She works to pay her debt off and the owner finds her a place to stay until she can get her stuff together. She never intended on staying there, but she fell in love with the town. She also fell for a man named Matt Jordan who is looking for the woman of his dreams. Is this really a story of Happy Ever After or can someone really not forgive you for what you have done in the past?
I was not sure that I would like this book. Really? A wanted bride! I figured I knew how this was going to end. Boy was I wrong, I could not put this down. I sure did not want to go to bed the night I started and I was so tired my eyes began to hurt. I finished this book in about ten hours. My fastest read yet! This book was definitely an easy read. Sylvia McDaniel’s is a excellent writer and she will keep you interested. I have told people that they should read this book. It is what every woman dreams about when everything is going all wrong!!!!!!

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